Click here to see a method for filtering air from Carbon Dioxide   .

Die Erde gehört nicht uns allein .
Wir haben sie von unseren Kindern nur geliehen ...

The Project ' Blue Marble ' is looking for an investor !

During the past days of our work we have seen ,
that solutions for global problems exist well ,
but some people are still not willing to solve
our children ' s trouble .
And hence we are looking forward to find
an investor for filtering greenhouse gas
out of our breathable atmosphere in order to
protect mankind from the impacts of Climate Change ...

It seems to be unpossible
to stop the industry as a whole
from CO2 - emissions within
the next five to twenty - five years
as well as it is very unlikely that
all of the human beings can change
their living habits at once , so we
have created the Project ' Blue Marble '
which is about building a network of
CO2 - filter systems all around the globe .

As an investor you will save the whole world
from catastrophes caused by Climate Change ...
Some can serve with ideas and may it to be
you are able to serve with a solid fund !

If you are interested in contributing to rescue our world
for our children and grandchildren , you might please get in contact with
The University of Australia   . Simply click here !
They are looking forward to hearing from you soon !

Intakte Natur leistet seit jeher einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu unserer Gesundheit !

Die Schöpfung hat dem Menschen zwei Hände verliehen ,
damit er diese schützend über das Tierreich
und um den Planeten Erde halten kann ...

For a detailed description of Global Warming and its effects you might like to visit
Interstellar   .

You might see my commercial site for more